Get Real! Real Hot Sauce. Real Flavor.

We were done with hot sauce that was Just Hot to be Hot

Step into the daring realm of our fermented hot sauce, where the thrill goes beyond the heat to unveil a world rich in dynamic flavor profiles. Crafted from small-batch, lacto-fermented chilis, our artisanal sauces offer a gourmet exploration of taste, prioritizing a complexity of flavors over mere spiciness. Each handcrafted bottle is a testament to the art of fermentation, blending heirloom chilis into gourmet delights that promise a sensory journey rather than a simple burn. Our organic, probiotic hot sauce is meticulously developed for those who seek depth in their dishes, proving that a vibrant palate experience can coexist with healthy, sustainable practices. From vegan and gluten-free options to the bold and adventurous, our sauces are an invitation to discover the extraordinary in every drop, where fiery ferments meet unparalleled craftsmanship, creating a taste experience that’s as kind to the planet as it is indulgent for your taste buds. Explore our collection and let every bite reveal that true heat lies not in intensity, but in the rich tapestry of flavors waiting to be unleashed.